Κάποτε η KYOSHO κυκλοφόρησε ένα καταπληκτικό θερμικό αερομοντέλο, το F-16 FIGHTING FALCON.
To μοντέλο ήταν σε μορφή ARF και στην συσκευασία περιλαμβάνονταν ο θερμικός 15αρης κινητήρας OS15CV - DF, το duster fan, η εποξική άτρακτος, φτερά και με χτιστά τα alleron και rudder.
Επίσης το απλό σύστημα προσγείωσης, και μια καρτέλα με τα όμορφα αυτοκόλλητα, της USAF σε χρώμα κόκκινο-άσπρο.
Ελάχιστα γνωρίζουμε για αυτό το αερομοντέλο με στοιχεία, Wingspan 970 mm - Engine OS15CV - DF w/Recoil Start Wing Loading 72 g/dm² Wing Area 22 dm² Length 980 mm Airfoil original Anhedral 1° Weight (approx.) 1650 g
Σήμερα η KYOSHO το παράγει σε ηλεκτρικό, σταματώντας την παράγωγή του σαν θερμικό. Στην Ελλάδα κυκλοφόρησε σε περιορισμένο αριθμό κομματιών, και ίσως ελάχιστοι το έχουν αποκτήσει. Έχουν ζητηθεί κατά καιρούς από τα φορουμ, ορισμένες πληροφορίες για αυτό το μοντέλο, αλλά σχεδόν κανείς δεν γνωρίζει τίποτα.
Αυτό εμάς.........μας συναρπάζει. Ψάχνουμε για πληροφορίες στο ίντερνετ, άλλα καμιά αναφορά.
Γιατί άραγε......ξέρει κανείς ?
Δημητρη καλησπερα, ψαχνοντας λιγο κι εγω καααατι βρηκα, ομωςςςς
I've had the Kyosho F-16 kit since June 04 but just built and flew it this past weekend for our club's Military Madness fly-in. The build was not too bad... two evenings. When we did the running-in of the engine it seemed to produce a good amount of thrust out the rear nozzle... WE WERE WRONG. Our field is grass and with full throttle this thing was not looking like it would generate enough speed to lift off. Finally, after trying several ideas, I was able to get enough speed by taxiing to the end of runway and, while still rolling quite fast, throw the plane into a 180 slingshot turn!!! Even then it only left the ground after hitting a bump in the runway but she stayed in the air with up elevator. We have a tree line a good distance from the runway and it barely cleared them... it was all I could do to keep it from stalling. Once it was up in the air it started gaining speed and actually flew OK but still a handful. After about 5 circuits (5 minutes) the engine started hesitating a bit indicating the fuel supply was low. WARNING: this thing floats like you wouldn't believe based on it's wing area! My first attempt was aborted because it wouldn't settle into a descent at idle. Luckily there was just enough fuel to bring it around once more. This time I cut it to idle way out and let it float in, still pretty fast though. It lands nice and will roll well on grass when landing. I did three test flights the day before the event... all just as scary (and thrilling) and I started getting used to the lack of power. That evening before the event I added a pair of jet whistles and some caulk around the side intake ducts to smooth out the jagged openings cut with a hobby knife... works great and looks so much better. Well, the little bit of added weight was noticeable as the next day it ever-so-barely cleared the trees... the whole crowd was cheering when it skimmed over the treeline...my heart was pounding and hands shaking as I tried to turn it to keep it in sight without losing any more altitude. Anyway, I did some low passes and then what I thought would be a greased landing... it was a little too slow and bounced twice and cartwheeled... NO DAMAGE. This thing is tough!
This model looks great and will get attention just sitting on the table... BUT... it's not one you will fly a bunch if you have other models. My next ducted fan (EDF, have it in box) is the Jepe Pyranha which is bungee launched and should scream so should be more fun.
I've had the Kyosho F-16 kit since June 04 but just built and flew it this past weekend for our club's Military Madness fly-in. The build was not too bad... two evenings. When we did the running-in of the engine it seemed to produce a good amount of thrust out the rear nozzle... WE WERE WRONG. Our field is grass and with full throttle this thing was not looking like it would generate enough speed to lift off. Finally, after trying several ideas, I was able to get enough speed by taxiing to the end of runway and, while still rolling quite fast, throw the plane into a 180 slingshot turn!!! Even then it only left the ground after hitting a bump in the runway but she stayed in the air with up elevator. We have a tree line a good distance from the runway and it barely cleared them... it was all I could do to keep it from stalling. Once it was up in the air it started gaining speed and actually flew OK but still a handful. After about 5 circuits (5 minutes) the engine started hesitating a bit indicating the fuel supply was low. WARNING: this thing floats like you wouldn't believe based on it's wing area! My first attempt was aborted because it wouldn't settle into a descent at idle. Luckily there was just enough fuel to bring it around once more. This time I cut it to idle way out and let it float in, still pretty fast though. It lands nice and will roll well on grass when landing. I did three test flights the day before the event... all just as scary (and thrilling) and I started getting used to the lack of power. That evening before the event I added a pair of jet whistles and some caulk around the side intake ducts to smooth out the jagged openings cut with a hobby knife... works great and looks so much better. Well, the little bit of added weight was noticeable as the next day it ever-so-barely cleared the trees... the whole crowd was cheering when it skimmed over the treeline...my heart was pounding and hands shaking as I tried to turn it to keep it in sight without losing any more altitude. Anyway, I did some low passes and then what I thought would be a greased landing... it was a little too slow and bounced twice and cartwheeled... NO DAMAGE. This thing is tough!
This model looks great and will get attention just sitting on the table... BUT... it's not one you will fly a bunch if you have other models. My next ducted fan (EDF, have it in box) is the Jepe Pyranha which is bungee launched and should scream so should be more fun.
..., οοοπως διαβαζεις, οοοοχι καλα ταααα νεα.
Να και μια foto ακομη !
Να και μια foto ακομη !
- Συνημμένα
- f16 os15 df.jpg (47.71 KiB) Προβλήθηκε 32 φορές
..., και εαν θυμαμε καλα το ειχε φερει το hobby box, ρωτα τον Θαναση, δεεν μπορει οοοολο και κατι θα σου πει.
..., και μερικα στοιχεια ακομη
Specifications model F-16 Fighting Falcon:
Wing span: 970 mm.
Wing area: 22 dm 2.
Weight: 1600 mg.
Pressure on the wing: 80 ° / dm 2.
Length: 980 mm.
Specifications model F-16 Fighting Falcon:
Wing span: 970 mm.
Wing area: 22 dm 2.
Weight: 1600 mg.
Pressure on the wing: 80 ° / dm 2.
Length: 980 mm.
& κανα δυο foto ακομη...
- Συνημμένα
- plane028_3.gif (25.15 KiB) Προβλήθηκε 32 φορές
- plane028_2.gif (18.53 KiB) Προβλήθηκε 32 φορές
Είσαι πρώτος Χρήστο ;;) αυτό το κείμενο το ήθελα !!!!! :p